Monday, October 8, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Sometimes I just have to sit back and laugh - actually it's more than just sometimes, practically all the time - at the things that Emily says. She has not quite developed that filter that tells when it's appropriate to say something to everyone, or when she should whisper it to JUST me.

We were at my sister Suzie's house for her housewarming this Saturday. Emily was having a great time playing with her cousins that she hasn't seen since she was one and a half. I had reminded her to go potty a few times. Apparently she went on her own...found the bathroom and everything. I was having a proud Mama moment. As I was basking in this moment, Emily leans her head out the door and says,to all of us sitting on the front porch, "Mommy, I am going poopy now, so I am probably going to need a butt wipe in a minute." Ahhh, the innocence of children.

On another note - it's freakin' hot here. We are practically breaking heat records. Almost 90 degrees yesterday, and again today. Not just hot, but HUMID too. Didn't we leave Florida?? I have heard that it's going to be MUCH cooler by the end of this week.

If I get a chance later today,I will post pictures of our Halloween decorations. Eric goes all out.

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