Tuesday, August 7, 2012

{new OLYMPIC sport....}

 Emily would like to know why Slip and Sliding is not an Olympic sport.
And so would Paige.
 In our own backyard competition, you got a deduction if you didn't look at the camera and smile at the end of your slide. Emily only loses about five-tenths of a point because her eyes weren't open.

 Knee sliding is an extra degree of difficulty. Especially with goggles on.

 A TEN!!
 Aren't they sweet?
 Ummm....maybe not.
 Okay - maybe they are.
 Even if they aren't Olympians, they are definitely having FUN.
 I just LOVE this shot. Kinda out of focus....but pretty cool anyway.
 Feet first? That's a new one.
 That's more like it.
 For a kid who normally doesn't want her picture taken, she was very willing this afternoon.
 This is her Olympic Slip and Slider pose.
Who do we talk to about including this in 2016? We need to start training now......

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