Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

Our Christmas 2009 was, at the very least, quite eventful.

On Christmas Eve we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for our family party. Sadly, I don't really have any pictures from the party this year. I decided to put my camera down and ENJOY.'s nighttime and indoors - not the best conditions for picture taking.

So, you will have to settle for these two pictures we took before we left:

After the wonderful party, we returned home, left cookies out for Santa, carrots for the reindeer - we only left one carrot, but we cut it into nine pieces...Emily's idea - and the girls went to bed. While Eric and I were taking care of some "stuff" downstairs, our youngest daughter was having a little trouble falling asleep. After a few attempts of trying to get her to go back to sleep, I decided to give her some Benedryl. She had been a little stuffy, and I thought that this may be the reason she was so crabby.....not so much. The Benedryl came back up, as did the rest of her stomach contents. Lovely. And she was now screaming. So, there was much panic in the house. Bed stripping, child washing, sheet washing, and finishing up our business downstairs. And, by the way, Emily slept through ALL OF IT. My champion sleeper.

So, a tired crew woke up on Christmas morning to a mound of presents. Paige was most excited about her Elmo underwear - which I neglected to get a picture of, because at that point she was still on my lap. Emily ripped through her gifts in about 3 minutes. Then she ripped through Paige's - Paige literally stopped after opening the underwear...and that was the first thing she opened.

After a while, things calmed down. And little children got caught up in all their new stuff.

And now, I am recovering from Strep Throat. Yes, the fun around here never ends. But, I am feeling MUCH better than I was last night. I am hoping the throat pain subsides soon...I am REALLY sick of jello, popsicles and soup. I WANT PIZZA!!!

Hope your Christmas was magical, and a lot less messy!!