Sunday, April 14, 2013

{february 2013}

And now moving on to February 2013. Above is Decades Day at school. Emily was obviously 50's, and Paige was....I guess 80's. Feathers, a scrunchie, neon colors, leggings.....i guess that's 80's. It was nice to get some more use out of Emily's Halloween costume!

 Max. In need of a haircut. But truly, I love him like this. He looks like a mini English sheep dog!

Emily has been on a movie making kick lately. This one is all about her stuffed dogs.

Paige working the camera.

Paige was verrrry proud of this tower she built with her blocks. It took a lot of tries to get it that high. A lot of tears too.

Still trying to figure out where those brown eyes came from........but they sure are pretty.

 Daddy still wore a tie in February.

Science night at Emily's school. She made a flying paper thingy - top right hand side of the picture.

Making valentines. This year was blow-pops with home-made valentine tags. Easy to make, and very cute.

Saturday morning breakfast.

The 100th day of school.

Valentines day.

Crazy Paige.

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