Last night when I was checking on you after you were both fast asleep, I began to think about how little time we actually have left. How many more times will I sing you both to sleep? How many more nights will I actually be able to check on you while you are sleeping - Emily clutching her doggy, Paws, and Paige sleeping all over her crib?
You see, it feels like you - Emily - just started Kindergarten, and now you only have about eight weeks left. And then you will be a first grader - going to school all day, a packed lunch, pencils, notebooks.....it's going to be here in a matter of minutes.
And you - dear, sweet Paige - have changed overnight. You are trying so hard to be independent - pulling away from me...wasn't it just last week that you didn't know how to walk, talk or even feed yourself. I'll blink again, and you'll be going off to school.

How many more stories will you have me read before you can read them yourself? How many more times will it be that you need ME to dress your baby dolls, or buckle them into the stroller?
How many more silly moments will we have? How much longer until neither of you actually fit underneath the bar stool?

***ETA: Sorry to make you all teary - I just had this idea in my head to do this for a scrapbook page, and I wanted to get it down before I forgot it. Since I scrapbook chronologically (total OCD thing, can't help it), and I am about eight months behind, I often use the blog to "journal" about my photos so I won't forget what I want to say eight months from now. It's VERY helpful! Thanks for humoring me.***
like reading dooce!!! Sweet....Lucky kids you are a good mom ":)
Waaaaa! Time for one more?
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