But let's be fair - those brown ones up in the top right corner are pretty much done - brown Mary Janes are so fall/winter. And the cute pair of sneakers right in front - she's almost grown out of those. So that only leaves four pairs for the spring/summer season.......
I can't help it. She LOVES shoes. And they are so cute on her. Especially those pink Mary Janes(right side) - an impulse buy at Target.
I won't even go into Emily's current shoe collection. Paige is rubbing off on her.
Also - the plant in the picture - another one I didn't kill. It came back!! Yea for my black thumbs.
That's nothing. Anna Lee has TONS. I will post a pic.
It's a girl thing.
Ok, I need to know what size she wears. No niece of mine can continue with only 6 pair of shoes!
Did I forget to add that her shoe collection was a mere two pairs a couple days ago.....this upgrade to six pairs is a very recent thing...and might I remind you, she is ONLY 20 MONTHS old. last year at this time she could barely walk.
I just do not see this as a problem...... :)
You need to ask Sheila about Sara's shoes. She has the cutest from the Gap in like 2-3 different colors and they are awesome.
The only problem I see is that she does not have enough.....
But at this age, shoes are so inexpensive... Even if they grow out of them in 6 months...
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