Just wanted to post a couple - because this is basically all I have - photos from Sunday. I was so busy getting things ready for our brunch, that I ran out of time to snap some photos before everyone showed up. So this is what I took in a couple minute span right after everyone showed up. Captured the moment - and the girls very cute dresses.

I took Emily to get her haircut this afternoon. Our big outing for the day. I would have to say that her favorite part was the Slurpee on the way home. I took this picture outside - in the cold rain. I am sure this face is saying, "Hurry up Mom, my feet are FREEZING." (she had no socks or shoes on)

And of course, there was a balloon. Paige was very excited about that. She saw it the moment she woke up from her nap. Thankfully, Emily was in the sharing mood today.

Have a great day!
I love the last picture. She looks so sweet!
I love Emily's dress. That is my favorite shade of green.
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