It was a BEAUTIFUL day. Sunny, and 54 degrees. Our seats were fantastic - a little bit lower than we usually sit, a little closer to the action.
We got to the park about 50 minutes before game time, so we walked around for awhile, and got to see a lot of stuff that we usually don't have time to see.
We ate at Big Boy. It's a Michigan thing.
And, in case you didn't hear the story- the fountains in the outfield are usually sponsored by GM. This year because of all that is financially going down, GM called the Tigers and said they couldn't afford sponsorship this year. The Tigers owner Mike Illitch decided that GM's name - as well as Chrysler and Ford - would remain on the fountain - FOR FREE. He also added the sign underneath, showing our support for all of automakers here in the "D". Such a cool thing. And, yes, I got a little teary seeing it in person.

So that's it. A good game - we won 4-3. Sorry this took so long - I know you were all waiting....

1 comment:
Okay, I love Big Boys! I grew up going there, especially after church with my two Nanas. I would get a big boy burger and fries. That is too cool! You have a beautiful baseball park! Plus you have good baseball weather. You sweat your brains out at the Marlins games, so not worth it!
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