And it was all foiled. I had such a great idea of taking a picture of my "I Voted" sticker for this blog. It would have looked so cool - but no. No stickers today. Yes, I voted in our ridiculous, not by the rules, primary today. I was already upset because my candidate was not on the ballot, therefore rendering me to vote uncommitted - but not even an "I Voted" sticker? A sad day really. But I digress.
So, it is so sad for all of you as well - you'll have to deal with some really cute pictures of my kids. Sorry about that.

If you look really closely at the one of Paige in the bathtub, you can see her little teeth starting to stick out - she's got two coming in now. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
I can't believe how big Paige has gotten! She looks so grown, sitting there in the tub. I love her hair band!!!!
Love the head band on Paige. That is beautiful and looks so cozy on her head. Emily looks so serious writing in her journal. I like the one of her laughing as well. Her sweat suit is a great color on her. I am so sorry about your voting dilemma. Miss you XOXOXO
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