So, here's something that I never really thought about when we lived in Florida....Emily had bare feet most of her infant life. It's not that we didn't try to put socks on her - but you know those silly socks always managed to fall off - and since the temperature never really fell below 70 degrees...who needed them? Emily was always grabbing at them, shoving them in her mouth, having real quantity feet time. Well, flash forward a few years, a few states north, and a new kid. Paige does not really know her feet. She knows that there's something at the end of her legs, but they are always covered with socks and shoes (gotta keep those socks on), so they are really not that interesting. A couple weeks ago in the bathtub Paige really discovered her feet. She was so delighted with this new discovery. She was also sad when just a few minutes after her bath I covered them up again - it was a chilly 9 degrees that night. So, for the happiness of my dear daughter, I have invoked "Feet Time". For a half hour to an hour everyday, I take off the shoes, peel off the socks, and let Paige go nuts with her feet. She loves it - as do I. I miss those cute little baby piggies. Poor thing. Of course, I am sure that I am mortifying some old ladies - you know how they don't like to see babies without bonnets or booties....but I say, "Let them eat FEET".

Emily drew this snowman yesterday and then in true scrapbooking fashion, embellished it with some leftover buttons I gave her. Gotta love that. Speaking of snowpeople, I thought that I would let you know that our snow chick (see post from a couple days ago) is no more. She lost her head this morning. I was going to take a picture, but I thought it was too graphic for this blog. Amazingly enough, she has also lost her triple D's (Eric is so sad). I guess the spike into the 50's that we had today was too much for her. Rest in peace Snow Chick, rest in peace.

Paige dressed as "Little Red Riding Hood."

Have a great Monday everyone - it's back to school here in our house. So, looking forward to dragging Emily out of bed at 7am. Yea!
1 comment:
The snow man is adorable and I love Paige's feet. They are so cute. YOu do just want to kiss them. She is a beautiful baby. I hope you ahve a great week!!!
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