Have you heard? This is the new big thing - celebrating half birthdays. I just can't wrap my head around that one. What's next? Quarter birthdays? Monthly and weekly celebrations? Sounds silly, but come 2012, you'll be attending your first of many weekly birthday parties.

Paige at six months - two teeth (on the bottom, of course), lots of moving around, fruits, veggies, rice and oatmeal. Four bottles a day. Two naps and pretty much sleeps from 8:30pm until 7:30am. Has showed interest in her thumb, but still likes her pacifier. Sits independently. Pivots around to get stuff that is next to or behind her. Loves to bounce. Just in the past few days has showed early signs of crawling - she can go backwards. Has left her 3-6 month clothes behind, and even some of her nine month clothes as well. Loves her big sister. Loves to be read to. Favorite toy currently is anything that she can cram into her mouth. Oh, and she's VERY JUICY. She hasn't said any real words yet, but she loves to scream. She loves to be carried around, and go where the action is. She's just a joy. We'll keep her. Oh, and she has the most kissable cheeks - ever. You just can't help yourself.

(For those of you who are wondering...we will be having no half birthday celebration. I know, bad mommy. Please alert the proper authorities. I have already booked Paige's therapy sessions for when she's older.)
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