Said to me today, while driving home from school: "Mom, this is absolute nonsense." I don't remember what she was referring to - I am embarrassed to say, I wasn't really listening to her. Mother of the Year, right?
Said to me today while eating lunch: "If you want to buy M&M's, you have to go to M&Ms.com." File that one under things you never heard me say when I was five. And - how the heck does she know that? Dang Nick Jr.
If I don't write these things down, I will forget them forever.
She, in case you were wondering, had a great day at school. In fact, I am absolutely convinced that they fed them endless amounts of sugar while she was there - she was bouncing off the walls on the way home. She even forgot her cardinal rule of not disclosing anything that goes on behind the classroom doors, and told me that she learned how to spell and write "moon" and "monkey" (I was listening to some of it). She also said (and I should add this to the above list), that Kevin was a "spaz" at circle today. I love that one. I use that word all the time. Is it a bad word? It's just short for spastic - which is not a mean thing to call someone if they cannot sit still or control themselves, right?
This got me thinking. Why are bad words bad? I often use replacement words in place of the real thing as not to expose my children to the harsh realities of the "f" word. But doesn't that make the replacement just as bad? I often use Mother Fletcher instead of the obvious other phrase that sounds a lot like it....is it the same thing? I was just wondering. It's Monday. I have to slow down.
WOW!!!! Holy ADD!! You are Hysterical. That was the funniest one yet. Emily looks adorable and from what I read she has a whole lot to say. You need to tape record her. I am doing great at commenting on a regular basis don't you think!!
Ryan is all about the dot com. I hear that all of the time. HE thinks dot come is a store and does not understand why we do not go there. He plays on the computer endlessly and I explain he is on NIck Jr.com he still does not get it. what can I say he is a little thick!!
Thank you Mary for all the comments - they are one of the highlights of my day. Really.
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