Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Novice's Guide to Emily-ish
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
One more thing
If you a regular reader of my blog and would like to have your blog posted there as well - let me know. I only did blogs of pseudo blog celebrities....didn't know if I had permission to do anyone else.
And hey - just because they are mostly scrapbooker blogs doesn't mean you can't read them if you are not a scrapbooker. Ali Edwards blog is very inspirational. Lisa Bearnson and Becky Higgins have some good stories, decorating ideas and recipes. Tara Whitney is an AWESOME photographer. Her pictures are truly inspirational. Cathy Zielske is also a hoot. A sarcastic girl after my own heart - love her. And as I have said, Pioneer Woman and Dooce are awesome. These ladies make a living through their respective blogs. Pioneer Woman even has a recipe blog - which I have to say has some really yummy stuff on it....chocolate sheet cake...yummy!!!
Anyway - if you don't are missing the boat. I swear, it's not hard. Doesn't take that much time. I work two jobs, have two kids, and a house to take care of, and by GOD, I blog. You should too.
If I can convert a couple more people, I qualify for a toaster oven. :)
A Task Well Done

Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday, Monday, Monday
Emily is a whole 42 and a half pounds and 45 inches tall. Paige is 17 pounds, 15 ounces, and 28 inches long. The doctor says both girls are doing just great. Paige is just growing and growing. The doctor says that we can start giving her Cheerios and cheese and all sorts of good stuff - bout time, I say. Maybe she'll stop grabbing for my stuff!! Emily got a pin prick for her blood work, and Paige got three shots and an oral vaccine. Paige cried, but only for a second. We were the only people on the "well" side of the doctors office - and I am hoping we won't have to go the "other" side for awhile. All in all, not too traumatic. Oh, and most importantly, Emily got two stickers - she gave one to her sister. Goofy and Donald Duck in case you were wondering.
I also forgot to mention one other activity that I did this weekend - patching the knees of my oldest daughters jeans. Three pairs. And, I noticed the ones she was wearing yesterday also need patching. What is up with this? I bought her seven pairs of jeans this year - thought we would at least make it into March - wrong. I have noticed that the length is a little short too - oh well. She'll be in shorts soon enough....that's wishful thinking on my part.

Believe it or not, I patched these jeans - my Mom says that people pay hundreds of dollars for rips like that. Maybe you should buy regular jeans and let your five year old wear them for a couple months - I guarantee you will have cools rips like this one.
"I just had three shots. The torture I must give me some Cheerios...please."
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Insert creative and funny title here
It has been a busy week. Amanda left on Monday, we had our eight year anniversary on Tuesday, we have been trying to catch up with the orders for the store, Paige turned six months old on Thursday, went to Ypsilanti for Julie's baby shower on Saturday, and at the same time Emily went to her friend Vincent's birthday party. Today, was a day of rest. And, we did. We did have some fun - we went to lunch at Red Robin - yummy.
The drive yesterday was not so much fun - there was TONS of salt on the roads from the previous night's snowfall, and that means tons of salt spray. You literally have to hit the wiper fluid every few minutes so that you can see - wore me out. The shower was very nice. Julie got lots of great and useful stuff - including a scrapbook made by yours truly. I even won a prize - got a high score on a quiz about my cousin Ryan - I would have gotten a higher score if I could have remembered that his first car was not a Ford Probe. Oh well. We are so excited about the arrival of Emerson Rae - she should be here in about a month and a half. Can't wait to see if she has her Dad's trademark hair.
I would like to say a big "You Rock" to my husband, who, very bravely, took both girls out by himself, so that Emily could go to her good friend Vincent's birthday party. I guess a few of the dads that were at the party - with their children and wives - commented that they couldn't do it. Maybe I should get Eric a SuperDad cape!! Emily had a great time, and was quite tired last night.
Well, another busy week awaits us. I think both girls have a doctors appointment tomorrow - I lost my appointment card. I will let you know what happens.
Some photos from the week:
It is SO hard to get a picture with both girls looking at the camera, and somewhat smiling. I am just happy if I get one of those things to happen.
Emily posing with her artwork. She is really into drawing monsters lately.
Came home from Costco on Friday and found Emily like this. She hasn't taken afternoon naps in over a year - but sometimes school, waking up early, running around, and just being five catches up with her. So, she sleeps, in her most beloved chair, with her most beloved Eeyore blanket. She is so sweet - she looks so young. Love those sleeping babies.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Classic Emily

This morning as I had a mouth full of Listerine Emily walked up to me and said, "Daddy, your head is the Moon and you have elbows for legs." She further elaborated by telling me, "You're Neil Armstrong and you live in Antarctica and you lost your space suit." All I could do was motion with my hands that she should finish getting dressed, but this is a good example of how her mind works. Good to see I'm passing the right genes along.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Couldn't choose just one....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
8 Great Years

Monday, January 21, 2008
Allison's Weekend Recap

Eric had his 37th birthday on Saturday. He got some really nice gifts, including the Nintendo DS from me - see earlier post. Now we don't have to fight over mine. The only reason he got this was because when I went out on Friday to pick up his birthday gift, I told him I was going to Target to get some shampoo - I wasn't, I was going to the mall to get him some new shoes. He asked me to pick up some Rice Krispies from Target for him - dang!! So, I thought I would just check one more time to see if they had any DS's - they have been out of them forever - and they did. So, Eric got one. All because he wanted some Rice Krispies.

We went to Buca di Beppo for dinner - and ate way too much. It was so yummy. On Sunday, we had my family over so they could see Amanda. Eric, Amanda, Clara and Hayley all played together with the DS's. They had a great time. It was funny to see their heads buried in the videos games for at least an hour.

So, on this Martin Luther King day, we are home, resting from our fun and busy weekend. Amanda left for the airport about an hour ago. There's a little snow on the ground this morning, and our current temperature is 19 degrees. We are supposed to have a little more snow this evening. It's quiet. It makes me a little sad. Here's some more photos from this weekend. Have a great Monday!!

I made yummy salsa for our Mexican fiesta on Thursday. Is was go-od.
Poor Paige, she kept making yummy sounds every time I took a bite of my cake. She did get a fistful when I wasn't looking. She is definitely my child. No question about that.

Our piano prodigy in training.
Emily's dog Brownie apparently was very sick on Friday - he was on the toilet with diarrhea. Where does she come up with this stuff?
The Nintendo Phenomenon

There is a new phenomenon starting...Nintendo DS! This is a portable game system from our Japanese friends (now made in China of course) at Nintendo. I got Allison one for Christmas and she got me one for my birthday, so now we have his-and-hers Nintendos. The cool thing is that they are equipped with a Wi-Fi connection so you can play wirelessly with nearby opponents. Yesterday we had several guests over for my birthday and several of us had our faces buried behind their diminutive screens, fingers fidgeting wildly at the controls. Ah, sweet victory! I think there were about five of those things in our house at once. Last night before turning out the lights Allison and I had a little go-kart championship race going on. I think my fingers may be sore today, especially my "gas pedal" finger.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Just wanted to let you know....
By saying that, I would just like to let all of you know, that I am in TOTAL disagreement with my dear and darling husband about yesterdays windshield wipers post. While I do think that it can be a public safety hazard to have a bunch of people honking their horns to show their support of a street corner protester - I do not think that it is a waste of time to protest something which many people think is so inherently wrong. I think a better alternative would be to roll down the window and shout out a "Right On", or "You Rock", or anything else like that. Or how about one better - join him. Is the president going to stop the war because of this protest - um, I think not. But, I think as an American, it's vitally important to exercise one's right to free speech and public protest as much as possible. If you believe in something, or you are completely against something, show it. It's the American thing to do. It's patriotic. And, let's hope that never changes.
Anyway - that's the last of the political blog entries for awhile. I have some pictures to post later - I just wanted to get my opinion out there. Have a GREAT Friday...and hey, go protest's your right, and it's NOT a waste of time.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I'm all black and blue!
Wipers for Peace
Today's word of the day: BOONDOGGLE Guys, we just dont use boondoggle enough in our daily talking. Try to fit it into a conversation soon!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tracks in the snow
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I was going to be so patriotic
So, it is so sad for all of you as well - you'll have to deal with some really cute pictures of my kids. Sorry about that.

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Teeth and stuff

Emily and some of her older doggies: Strawberry, Grace, Ashton and Polka Dot
Okay, so I know you can't see it, but it's me. Paige was not exactly a willing participant for a photo.
See - got my haircut. It looked so much better when I got back from the salon.
I love sweet potatoes.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Daily Pictures

Also, in case you were wondering - flower barette courtest of (ellabella designs). I got her some more headbands and a pink and green flower barette as well. They stay in her hair for at least an hour.