I made pancakes for breakfast, and after a thorough cleaning - we put up the pool, I did some laundry, watched the Tigers win four straight, Eric cut the grass, and I made dinner - steak, waffle fries, broccoli and fresh baked bread - and brownies for dessert.
Yes, that's relaxing for us.
We ended the evening with a bike ride. Good day. Happy Father's Day Eric.
A now some pictures from the past few days...
Emily has taken to catching rolly pollie bugs with her buddy Jenna. They are in there, under the flower petals. This was Friday afternoon. This afternoon I found at them all dead in their new home. I didn't tell Emily. I am hoping she forgot about them.
We went to see "UP" - in 3D - Friday afternoon. My Mom and sister watched Paige. Emily liked it - kind of. Eric and I really liked it. I even forgot it was in 3D halfway through. Very well done.
On Saturday, I scrapbooked most of the day, and then we went to my Aunt's house for an early Father's Day dinner. My Grandpa was there, as well as my cousin Ryan. Emily and Paige played outside filling up cups and dumping them out. Paige was SOAKED, but she has a blast.
Today my day-lillies finally bloomed. So pretty.
No Father's Day would be complete without a game of catch. Emily looks so grown up here.
BTW: she got her face painted yesterday at a Cops and Kids event. She refused to wash it off last night - and since it was SO LATE when we got home, I gave in. She still refused to wash it off this morning. I finally had to make her do it tonight.

Hope you had a great weekend. Happy summer!! Yay!!

(And just in case you were wondering - these last five pictures - were taken, WITHOUT FLASH, on the longest day of the year - at 9pm. It finally got dark tonight just after 10pm....I LOVE this time of year)
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