We have had a busy few days around here. Nothing much that we have been doing, just staying busy around the house. Apparently, there are babies that need to be taken care of.

They need to be walked in their strollers.

And walked in their wagons.

Some of us are just content to lay around and watch others be busy. Max is perfectly happy to do just that.

There are flowers EVERYWHERE. These peonies are freshly cut from my friend Ginger's yard. I covet her peonies - which she knows - so she was nice enough to share hers with me. I will definitely be planting some peony bulbs in my own yard this fall.

There is an outside world to enjoy.

Nothing like swinging on a Sunday afternoon.

Especially in brand new flip flops.
I know I said I would not buy her any more shoes, but she LOVES Emily's flip flops so much. She often steals them, tries to wear them - and fails miserably. I saw these on sale at Target this weekend - could not resist. And they are brown. Such a great color for summer shoes.

We like to take time to smell the flowers.

This morning - watching TV Paige style.

And finally - last lunch of the 2008-09 school year. Emily's Kindergarten Completion ceremony is tomorrow morning. I am already fighting back the tears. Her first year of elementary school is over. It's almost too much to bear. This time tomorrow she will no longer be my little Kindergartner. Okay - I must stop now - we are running out of Kleenax.
**Sorry for the lack of Emily pictures. Miss Social Butterfly is never around anymore. This, I am afraid, will also be the story of the summer.**
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