We had a quiet morning around here. Emily spent the night at my Mom's place, so it was just Eric, Paige and I. I never realized just how much noise one child can make. We did miss her although. But she had a blast with my Mom and sister - going to bed late, getting up early, and Grandma made all her favorites for a late breakfast. She's in for a rude awakening tomorrow morning - back to shredded wheat my dear!
In other news...Summer has really arrived up here in the frozen tundra. It was over ninety degrees today - and HUMID. It felt just like Florida.
And after some initial trepidation, she was off and running. She even let me put the goggles on her.
What better way to cool off from all that heat - a pool!!
Emily has been swimming in the pool since Monday. She's a good sport, the water has been freezing. Why is it that kids can tolerate crazy temperatures so much more than adults? I mean, she was literally shivering, and refused to come out. Crazy kid.
Today was the first day that I thought it was an acceptable temperature for Paige.

She is such a crazy girl. She loved when I pushed on the side an made it a wave pool. She loved just cruising around in her float. She really loves the water.

She is tall enough to stand in the pool - according to Eric - but for safety's sake, we'll continue to use the float.

She's going to be two, one month from today. TWO. How is that possible?
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