Sunday was just a lazy day. I made touchdown taco dip in honor of the Superbowl. I also made in honor of the Superbowl, BBQ pork tenderloin, cheesy potatoes and green beans. What does that have to do with football? Football....pigskin....pork....get it? Marinated it in onions, garlic, lime and EVOO. It was YUMMY. I will be making that again.
Also, for the first time in a long time, I actually watched the Superbowl. And was a little upset to not see history made. I really don't follow pro sports - but I would have liked to see someone have a perfect season. Oh well - I am 0-16 in picking the winning Superbowl team. Sorry Patriots that I wanted you to's all my fault.
Pictures from yesterday and today:

There's nothing like a good bubble beard to make you smile.......
Yeah, got this on Friday. Have to go the day after my birthday. That SUCKS.
Emily loves her keyboard. She was singing for Paige so that she wouldn't cry while I was making her bottles this afternoon. I have been enlisting Emily to "babysit" Paige a lot lately. She loves doing it. Please don't call HRS - I am always in the same room, or the vicinity (the same house), and it's only for a short time - about an hour or two....just kidding. Paige just adores her sister - she can always make her smile. It's so cool to watch.
Have a GREAT week!!
What a sweet picture of Em on the piano playing for her sister. I love it! Boohoo for the Patriots. We were disappointed, being a New Englander and all. Take care!
I wanted to see the saying "You can't win them all" disproved, but evidently you really can't win them all. I guess we can make that a law now. And while I'm on the subject, since nobody has disproven the Pythagorean Theorem from geometry in over 2500 years can we please call that a law now instead of a theorem? Now Murphy's Law, on the other hand...
It is a Theorem that has been proved. I see Emily's eyes looking lighter, more greenish now.
All I can say is: 18 wins and one GIANT loss! Go Giants!
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