Friday, February 22, 2008

All Clear

Just wanted to let you all know that I am healing just fine and can go about resuming my normal daily activities. Isn't that such a relief? And how do I know that you ask....well, I spent the better part of my afternoon at my surgeon's office for my follow-up appointment. Over an hour in the waiting room. Twenty minutes in the exam room. Thank goodness I had my DS with me to keep me occupied. I even got a Platinum medal on the memory portion of Big Brain Academy. All of that just to hear the doctor ask me a total of five questions about my recovery, look at my incisions for about two seconds and that's it. But, I should not focus on that right? I am good, and I guess that's all that matters.

Other exciting developments this week....Emily got pencil poked in the right hand by a lovely child in her class. Her teacher told me that Emily did all that she could to keep this boy from not poking her in the hand, but apparently that wasn't good enough. Luckily, he didn't break the skin. Emily cried for about three seconds, and then went back to her work. She did tell me that the boy (I won't name names) did lose his pencil and paper, spent the rest of the morning in a chair in the corner, and got a note sent home. She seemed pretty satisfied with that. I guess I am too. I told Emily that he was just looking for attention - is that bad? We had a nice long discussion about good versus bad choices, and she seems to know the difference. Childhood.

My Grandpa John is on the mend after having a pacemaker inserted into his chest. The surgery was yesterday morning, and he may be going home as soon as later today. He is doing just great, not surprising - and let's pray that he stays out of the hospital for a good while.

It seems as if the cold that has been around here for awhile, is now gone. I am doing everything I can to keep the flu away. They had a report on the news the other day on how it has sent so many to the hospital, and I would like to really avoid that.

Anyway, some pictures....

Emily is really into Paige's books - especially "The Runaway Bunny". She wants me to read it to her everyday. Don't know why.

It took me about ten tries to even get them in the same frame. You can really see the love Max has for Paige in his eyes - about as much as he loves Emily.

Just love that girl. Below is a photo that I photoshoped. I have no idea how to really use that program, but I am learning courtesy of the Pioneer Woman blog. I just read a few days ago that she is going to launch a new photoshop blog - all about how to edit photos in cool and exciting ways. I am so looking forward to that.

Have a great weekend everyone!! Oh and thank you Ann Marie for Paige's cute outfit. I was afraid that she would outgrow it before we actually got some warmer weather - so I put a long sleeve onesie on underneath the pink shirt. She looks so CUTE.


Anonymous said...

such a beautiful baby!

Anonymous said...

How funny that Emily likes Paige's books- It must be an older sibling thing. Ryan wants to read the board books more than his own also. He loves to read the Maisy and the Olivia books to his little brother