In other news, we have had quite a bit of snowfall this past week. We got about 2 more inches last night. It's my favorite kind of snow too - the pretty, sparkly kind. It has been a beautiful sunny day today, so it's especially sparkly. Looks like it will be sticking around a while too - the temperature is not really going above freezing for at least a few days.
I thought it would be fun to draw a heart - in honor of Valentine's Day - in the snow. Emily thought that it looked like fun, so she got her own wooden spoon and joined in. A new medium. Poor Emily has a cold this week, but luckily she is off of school for the mid-winter break, so she can rest up. I think Paige is getting it too - she has a runny nose as well, and is sneezing quite a bit. Never a dull moment around here.
Well, I had better get back to my "resting".
(In case you are wondering where Emily's hat is....we were only outside for about 5 minutes, and in the sun it was pretty warm - no wind. And, I forgot to put it on her. Mother of the Year.)

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