I was reading this blog post today, don't carpe diem, and oh boy, did that resonate with me. To give you the cliff notes, it's about those people who tell you that you should appreciate and enjoy every moment of your child's young life because it's fleeting.
I know it's fleeting. I know that tomorrow my kids will be one day closer to teenager-hood and adult-hood. But, when I hear stuff like that, I can't help but feel a little guilty about my days with my girls. Did I appreciate them enough? Did I stop and really LOOK at them?
Maybe. I am not sure. I might have been too busy caught up in the mess that was left in the kitchen/bathroom/bedroom/basement. I might have been too busy yelling at them to get along. I might have been too busy cleaning up yet ANOTHER spilled cup of juice. Or working. Or doing laundry. Or cooking.......
Do you know when I will have a moment to stop and remember all the cuteness, the things they said, their teeny fingers, their jokes that make no sense....do you know when?
When they are all grown and out of my hair.
If that's not an advertisement for scrapbooking, I don't know what is.
And YES, I am truly aware that Emily is not in even ONE of these photos. She's not home during the day - she's in school. And when she is home, she is NOT into having her photo taken. She's too busy with her friends.
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