I have to be very honest. 2011 is very possibly, the worst year of my life so far. And I am not saying that like some adolescent who just had her heart broken by some dude. I am saying it like the adult that I am. 2011 sucked. HOWEVER, there have been some great and wonderful things that have happened this year as well. It's just that the bad stuff had greatly overshadowed everything. Wow....I am really Debbie Downer.
Which brings me to the whole lack of blogging. Lots of changes have taken place around here in the past six months. Eric is no longer working in the basement. He's now working outside the house, some times six days a week. He leaves when it's dark, and comes home when it's dark. That in itself is a HUGE adjustment for HIM.
I am now mostly running the day to day operations of our business. That in itself, is a HUGE adjustment for ME.
All the things that I was able to do for the past few years....I am having to find a new way to do them. I don't have Eric to rely on to watch the girls while I run errands, or help out at school. And that is a HUGE adjustment for the GIRLS.
We are all having to get used to this new life. Everyday there's something new that we have to learn to adjust to. And it's hard. Some days, I feel like I am just chasing my tail all day long.
I am EXHAUSTED. Mentally and physically. Some days, I feel like I just need a moment, but then someone gets sick, or breaks something, or needs to eat........it's been a challenge.
Things will get better and easier. We all just have to adjust and find our new rhythm. This path that we are all on right now is a good one....it's just going to take a while to get used to it.
Life is still going on around here. And it's a good life.
And I can't wait to see all the great and wonderful things 2012 brings.
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