Some pictures from the past week:
Paige reading bedtime stories to her babies.

Storytime at the North Branch library. There's LOTS of dancing at this storytime, and she LOVES it.

Making fake phone calls on my old cell phone.

Emily went to a Lego building contest at the library on Saturday - and she WON!! They had to build an amazing toy. So she built this car thing. She was so surprised when they called her name. And so were we. She won a little Lego kit. I am so very proud of her!!

Made the infamous rolls for Thanksgiving on Sunday. They didn't turn out, so I had to re-make them with my Mom yesterday. I guess I rolled the dough out too thin, and they didn't rise enough. Oh well.

Eric put out the rest of the OUTSIDE Christmas decor on Sunday.

Rolls from yesterday. This is what there supposed to look like when they are finished. Mine were half that size, and weighed twice as much. We also made Peerogs - the ones with bacon inside - as well. I am EXHAUSTED.

Our house all lit up.

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