Poor Emily came down with the flu on Sunday afternoon. She was outside, playing and enjoying some of the sixty degree weather we had been blessed with this past weekend. When she came in, she said she was feeling tired, and wanted to rest. This not being typical Emily behavior, I immediately took her temperature - 99.9. She refused lunch - but then ate it later. She initially didn't want dinner, but then ate that too. She went to bed - still feverish, but able to fall asleep almost immediately. She woke up at 2am, and, I don't want to go into too much detail, but let's just say she was doing that thing that rhymes with romitting. :)
The romitting lasted until 8am, and was gone. Her fever persisted throughout the day - but she was able to eat a couple things, and drink as well.
After a good nights sleep - she is as good as new. No fever so far today. Excited about going back to school. In fact, her first concern was that she was going to be well enough to go tomorrow - being gym day and all. She LOVES her gym teacher - Mr. Newvine (the purple Telletubby from Halloween). And she was also very concerned about her library book being overdue if she wasn't going to school on Wednesday. That's my little rule follower.
****ETA**** Tuesday evening: Fever is back, and the dry cough is relentless. She will be staying home on Wednesday as well....and Thursday is not looking so good either....... and because they played together all morning long, I am basically just waiting for Paige's symptoms to begin. Oh, I LOVE flu season.

Still have my very clean, antibacterial fingers crossed that this one will make it through this week without getting the flu as well. She starts up story time again on Thursday, and will be CRUSHED if she cannot go.

They are both so very happy to be able to play together again. It was very hard to keep them apart on Sunday and Monday.

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