Emerson wearing Paige's Halloween shirt, hat and socks from last year. She looks pretty cute.

After the cider mill, it was off the pumpkin patch - Gene the Pumpkin Man. It was really nice - lots of pumpkins, lots of pumpkin pictures.
This is a rare picture of BOTH girls smiling AND looking at the camera. This almost never happens.

Paige had a blast running around and getting into everything. She especially loved to sit on the pumpkins. She must have thought they were little chairs. She did very well for having no nap pretty much all day - and boy did she sleep well that night. Thanks to Ryan, Julie and Emerson for their superb hospitality - and really yummy french toast on Sunday morning.

1 comment:
Allison didn't show Gene the Pumpkin Man's car. He drives a bright orange Cadillac with a license plate that reads "PUM MAN". I was going to get an orange Cadillac, but I guess now I'll have to find something more original.
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