Yesterday, Emily had her regular tap class, but they had to wear their halloween costumes. That took some extra planning on my part, and some extra time to get her ready. I would have taken pictures, but I wanted the "reveal" of her halloween costume to happen on halloween.
Tonight, we have the Halloween Hoot - a scavenger hunt and carnival - at her school. Tomorrow is Paige's 15 month doctor appointment, and I am helping out in Emily's class in the afternoon. Friday is of course Halloween - and I am again, helping out in Emily's class, and then it's trick-or-treating at night with our neighborhood friends. Like I said, a BUSY week.
So, in case you are wondering why I haven't posted in a while, now you know.
Here are some pictures from the past week:

Last Saturday, Eric and Emily went to a Michigan Veterinary Association "clinic" at the local community college. She got to bring her doggies and have them looked at by real veterinarians. Fudge and Copper both got bandages on their legs. She LOVED it.
Emily made this spider hat at school. She wore it home, and around the house for the rest of the day. I like the Caesar salad dressing on her lip.
The girls having fun this morning.
We did see some of the white stuff while the girls were eating lunch today - it melted about two seconds after I took this picture.
Paige in her cute polka dot jacket.
Have a great week - check back on Halloween for a costume reveal!
Holy crap. I thought you were DEAD! a whole week without a post?
That pic of Emily with the Caesar dressing on the lip, totally looks like Eric. I didn't see it until this pic
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