I think my most favorite time of the day is at around 7:30 at night, when I am giving Paige her last bottle of the day. I am in her room with the lights out. I am sitting with her in the glider, which is gliding back and forth just slightly. I have her blinds open, and I am just watching the world go by, and thinking about my day. Most nights I am also listening to the sounds of my house at that time. Usually, I can hear Emily. She is either talking to my Mom, or Eric. Or she is in her room, playing a video game, or playing with her dogs. I love listening to her. She says the most interesting, cute, funny, silly, insightful, etc...things. Tonight, while I was feeding Paige, she was on the phone with her Aunt Amanda, having one of their marathon conversations. I think it was Emily that was doing most of the talking. There was lots of giggling, and even a little singing. It was just one of those things that you listen to, and you can't help but smile.
One of the things I was thinking about tonight was how my Emily is growing up right before my eyes. This afternoon, while playing in Paige's room, Emily went and got a level one reader from her bedroom. She sat right next to me and read the whole book. The whole book - by herself. I was astounded. When did this happen? Well, she has been reading for some time. Words here and there, questions about words, and some sounding out of letters. She has certain words that she can pick out and read - but never a whole book, just like that. It was one of those moments that I will never forget. So cool to be a part of that. Even cooler that all those nights that I worked with her on word recognition have actually amounted to something. Go Emily Go!!
In other news, Paige is almost crawling - forward. She has been taking one forward crawl here and there, but she's not quite there yet. She has the leg movements down, but the arms need some work. It'll all come together soon, I think. She is a very determined little girl. A very determined little girl, who has still not mastered the sleeping thing. Sometimes she does, sometimes not. This all led to a very crabby little baby today. The only thing that made her even remotely happy was reading, "Hello Bee, Hello Me" over and over again. It's like baby crack to her. She gets all excited, can barely wait for me to read the next page, and then cries when I finish. The only thing that makes her happy is if I read it AGAIN. I think I read that book at least 30 times today - and that's not counting the 10 times that Emily read it to her. We may have to wean her off of it.....perhaps a Sandra Boynton book? Something with a little more context.....PLEASE!!!!!
Sorry that I have not been doing to many entries - I ran out of my iced tea last Sunday, and without my caffeine, I collapse as soon as I put Emily to bed. Got some more tea yesterday, so I am feeling much better. :)

Oh, and I got Emily's registration for Kindergarten last week.....cannot even deal.....I am already tearing up just thinking about it. She is a little scared, but very excited. Thank goodness it's not until September......
One more thing - welcome to March in Michigan. Never fails, in like a Lion, and hopefully, please oh please, out like a lamb. Eric is really getting his money out of that snow thrower. We got about five inches Thursday and Friday. And in case any of you are wondering - YES, I AM OVER IT!! Bring on the sixty, seventy, and eighty degrees. I'll even take a fifty at this point. March, other than it being my birthday month, is just plain yucky. I love snow, but I just don't want to even look at it anymore - it's like it just taunting me......."La La La La La La - it's cold, Hahahahahahaha". Yes, I know, now go away. Have a great week. :)
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