Well, it's just a few days before the BIG holiday. Is your shopping done? Is your menu decided and ready? Are your cookies baked? Are your gifts wrapped and/or shipped? Are your Christmas cards done? So many expectations for just one, well actually two if you count Christmas eve, day. It's just crazy, don't you think?
I decided a couple years ago that I would try to take the stress out of this season. I think my main motivating factor was that I had a baby just nine days before Christmas...talk about stressful. I was crazy that year. I put my tree up, got all my shopping done and presents wrapped before Thanksgiving- just in case. And what did I do the day after Emily and I came home from the hospital? Yes, I baked Christmas cookies, and made Christmas cards. I was crazy. I was DOG TIRED.
The next year I decided that I would not stress myself out, so I eliminated the cookies. Good for my stress level, good for my waistline. And each year I have eliminated something stressful about this holiday season. I haven't gotten as far as eliminating gifts yet...but give me a few years. This year, I decided that it wasn't necessary for me to decorate my entire house for Christmas. So, I just put out my most treasured things, and left everything else in the boxes. Of course, there's my tree...what would Christmas be without a tree? And I have my most favorite ornaments - JOY, PEACE and NOEL. Got those on sale at Pottery Barn about seven years ago, and they have been my favorite since. I also love my three snowmen - gifts for three consecutive years from my Aunt Teresa. My wreath on the front door is also a favorite. I have a couple more things out that I love, but that's all this year. Nice, simple, and calm. So, I can say that my shopping is done - thank you Internet, my gifts are wrapped, cards sent out, and I did make some cookies this year, but that was for Emily's birthday party...so does it count? I can now sit back and enjoy the next few days before it's all over and the boxes come out so we can put it away for another year.

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