So which do you want first? Are you an optimist...or a pessimist? Well, depending on the day, I am both. Let's just start with the good news. Paige had her first taste of baby cereal Friday night. She loved it. Ate the whole thing - and I made more than I was supposed to. I was such a proud Mama. She happily opened her mouth and slurped every bite. It was adorable. She then downed her entire bottle afterward. I was really hoping for a good night - but I would like to add that I know my youngest daughter very well, and I knew exactly what we were in for. So this for all of you who told me, "Just give that child some cereal. She'll sleep for ya." The bad news....Paige, of course, didn't sleep through the night. And for the record, we have given her increasing amounts of cereal each night since, and, no, she is still not sleeping through the night.

This just proves my theory that some kids, no matter what, are sleepers, and some, no matter what, are not. Sure, Paige sleeps. She is right now as I type this. But is she a good sleeper? That would be no. She is not consistent. For example....yesterday, took and good nap in the morning, but then only 30 minutes in the afternoon. She then fell asleep last night at 7:30pm, and slept until 10, took her last bottle of the day, went back to sleep until 3am, and then awake again at 7:30. Today, she already off schedule - fell asleep for my Mom this morning at 9:45am - she usually goes down for her morning nap at 10:30. She'll probably be awake any moment. This is Paige. It's just how she is. She is just reminding us that under any circumstances, she is NOT Emily - my world champion sleeper. Still is.
Paige is in for some tough love this week. We are completely removing the middle of the night bottle. We have reduced it to a mere couple ounces over the last few weeks, and now it's time to say good bye. We will probably be saying goodbye to sleep for the next few nights as well. Does that make me an pessimist? No, actually, it doesn't. A pessimist would probably say that we would be out of sleep for the next few weeks while we battle an almost 16 pound baby for a full night of sleep. I am remaining least for today. Check back tomorrow.
Oh, and Emily would like to remind the world, that her 5th birthday is in only six days. Saying that she is excited would be an understatement.
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