Some days, actually most days, I can't help myself, but I just have to stop and squeeze Emily and Paige. Emily is much bigger and can run away from me, but most times she doesn't. She, in fact, will usually oblige me with a kiss anytime I ask. The best part about an Emily kiss is that you ALWAYS get a hug to go with it. A kiss and a hug - what could be better? Paige, on the other hand, does not exactly give you kisses and hugs, but you can get in all the squeezes you want....and all you can squeeze buffet if you will.
Yesterday, when I was driving with Emily after I picked her up from school, she was telling me about her day....actually, I was prying information out of her and not coming up with much. A typical conversation:
ME: "What did you do today?"
EMILY: "Ummmm...I don't member."
ME: "Did you play outside"
EMILY: "Yes."
ME: "Did you have snack?"
EMILY: "Yes. I had an apple and one cracker."
ME: "Did you do any work?"
EMILY: "Yes, but I don't member."
This plays over every Monday through Friday. Yesterday though, Emily told me that she was trying really hard to remember, and she got very "frusterated". She used this term all day. It was so cute. I don't have the heart to correct her. Pretty soon she'll be saying it correctly, which means she's growing up. This just makes me want to squeeze her.
Last night we were going through the normal bed routine - bath, pj's, brush teeth, clean room. The cleaning the room part always gets me - Emily has about twenty stuffed dogs now (that's just an estimate, I stopped counting at about 15), and she has to put them to bed every night. They don't sleep in bed with her - they either sleep in a little doggy kennel, or the Build-A-Bear box that she got from one of her original dogs - Joey. She has to make sure all their night time collars are on them, and that they are in their appropriate sleeping quarters. I tried to do this once for her to speed up the whole process....guess what? Yeah, didn't work. Even though I put them in their correct places - SHE had to do it. It's kind of like when I switch off her light at night - it's her job, and she will literally get out of bed, switch it back on and switch it off again. I don't know about you, but all of this Emiliness just makes me want to squeeze her - and when she all tucked in bed at night - I can usually get all the squeezes I want.

Today, Paige is three months old. No longer considered a newborn. She had a BIG event here yesterday. I put her on her tummy for a little "tummy time" and she just decided that she wanted to be on her back again, so she rolled over. Yes, you heard me correctly, ROLLED OVER!!! Of course, she doesn't want to do it today....typical Paige. Happy Birthday sweetie.

These are pictures from the most beautiful sunset last night - Emily noticed it. She went racing through the house so we could all see the pretty sky.

Hi Allison,Eric,Carol,Emily, Paige, and Max,
I love the pictures of the sunset. It kinda reminds me of the fires in California. I have a girlfriend in the fire zones.
Hope all is well. Allison, you do such a great job on the blog.
Take care.
Wow! What a beautiful sky! Great pictures. I had flashbacks to my coversations with Lauren about school each week. Very similar by the way! I am glad to hear I am not the only one with a routine obsessed and object obsessed child, only difference is Lauren is obsessed with Baby dolls! Yes, squeeze them hug them and kiss them!
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