So yesterday was Paige's 2 month old check up. She did GREAT. She is now weighing in at 11 pounds, 11 ounces - which puts her in the 75th percentile. She measured 23 1/2 inches long - which puts her in the 90th percentile for height - she's pretty long. She got 4 shots, which she only cried for a second each, and smiled immediately after it was over. She was a little crabby last night, and didn't have a great sleeping night, but overall it was good.

We had been teasing Emily all day that she should get a shot too since Paige was getting some, and she thought it was pretty funny. That is, until we said something to Dr. Ventimiglia when he came in the room, and she immediately thought we were all serious, and starting crying. Oops, I guess we took it a little to far. Sorry Em!! Of course, she wanted to be front and center for when Paige got her shots....what a nice big sister.
I have been trying so hard to get Miss Paige on a schedule, and it's not working....until today. She took at nap from 10am until 12pm - just like I wanted her too. And she is now doing her afternoon nap, and will hopefully wake up at around 4.....we'll see. She has been much happier today, smiling and talking a lot. She is consistently inconsistent - it's just her thing I guess.
Emily is recovering from a bad cold/cough. She missed Monday and Tuesday at school - but went today, and did just fine. Thank goodness I got that cough syrup with codeine from the Dr. It's the only thing that works for her - she just needs a good nights rest, not staying up all night coughing.
By the way - don't be afraid to leave a comment....sometimes when I am writing a new post, I feel like I am talking to I??
1 comment:
Hello Allison!
I am glad to here someone else was sick. Lauren was sick all last week! Cold/Fever, which turned into the start of an ear infection/sore throat, compounded by pink eye in both eyes. Oh Yeah! Talk about a whammi! She is doing well now, thank goodness, back to school. She brought home new projects from school which we have added to her keepsake box because they are just too precious. She loves to draw happy smiles, as she calls them. She listed in her "The Way I Fell" Book that she made that chocolate milk makes her happy, she is scared of witches, and when she is sleepy she sleeps with her doll Annabelle. Pastor Craig comes once a month to her class. She calls him Uncle Craig...too cute. She said he tells them about Jesus. The friendship drama is always at a peek each day, but we manage to talk through it. She is finally picking up on the dance moves from Ballet and Tap. She talks about them during the week and gives us performances at home. Her "Shows" as she calls them. This week the new item was spins. It is amazing how much they love to do them, and don't mind getting absurdly dizzy! I can relate to all that you are feeling, toi some extenet anyway. Work is , well, saturated with activity and obligation, which is wearing me down a bit, but time at home is so special, it makes up for it all. Supermom! yes, the toughest job of them all! Enjoy each moment, thay are all so special in their own way. Paige is just precious! Looking more like Eric each time. I am glad she is thriving, and keeping you on your toes! You can handle it :). Your a great Mom. I will call soon and catch up. In the meantime, keeping blogging :), keeps me smiling, feel like you are right next door :).
L- Ann Marie
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