Today is Career Day at Emily's school. Of course, she wanted to go as a teacher. Specifically, an Ojibwa Elementary School teacher. Her Dad made her an ID tag complete with a pocket for her "hoot tickets".
Hoot Ticket - a redeemable ticket that students at Emily's school receive for doing good deeds.
And I know - because I used to teach - that most teachers don't wear their hair in buns...but really, I could not help myself. Especially when I had a matching pencil....And the pearls are the ones I actually wore when I was teaching.
Miss Paige had to get in the act too. She'll be able to really participate next year when she's in Kindergarten. But this morning, she also wanted to sport the same "do" as Emily. Except...she called it a BURGER. "Mom, I want my hair in a burger like Emily." She slays me, that kid. She also still calls her forehead a headfore.
And, of course, Paige HAD to be the very first person to receive a HOOT ticket.
The burger:
Here's to the first of many future mornings getting all dressed up in your teacher gear sweetie!
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