Monday, February 27, 2012

{she SLAYS me}


This morning, the little Miss busied herself with paper and scissors. She made quite the mess on the carpet of the family room. When I asked her to clean it up, she said, "Mooooommm. I can't. I am an artist and I am making art."

I swear.

On the way home from school, she starts talking about a 4 and a 5 and how she is four and she will be five on her next birthday. I had no idea what she was talking about, or what spurred this particular train of thought. "So that sign is just for me Mom", she says.


And then we passed a speed limit sign - 45mph. I asked her if that's the sign she saw. Yes. She thinks it's just for HER. And well, all the other kids in her class at school.

"Mom. I want to be Smurfette for Halloween this year. You know what she looks like - she has a white dress and white high heel shoes. Oh and BLONDE hair. Not curly like mine. More like Emily's hair. But blonde."

She notices every detail.

She slays me. She makes me smile all day long. She gives me hugs and kisses whenever I want. I truly don't know what I would do without her. Truly.

Of course she's a total pain sometimes too...aren't we all?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

{two ponies and a headband}


I was going through my memory card looking for some pictures to post here - when I found these. Pictures that were taken weeks and weeks ago. Pictures of Paige that I love. We had just received a package from my sister. She sent both girls new shirts for Valentine's day, AND headbands. Paige was so excited about her new headband, she had to wear it right then. Even though she had two ponytails that day. And, I can't believe how grown up she looks.


That's all. Just a few cutie pie pictures.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

{Ms. Gottlieb}


Today is Career Day at Emily's school. Of course, she wanted to go as a teacher. Specifically, an Ojibwa Elementary School teacher. Her Dad made her an ID tag complete with a pocket for her "hoot tickets".

Hoot Ticket - a redeemable ticket that students at Emily's school receive for doing good deeds.


And I know - because I used to teach - that most teachers don't wear their hair in buns...but really, I could not help myself. Especially when I had a matching pencil....And the pearls are the ones I actually wore when I was teaching.




Miss Paige had to get in the act too. She'll be able to really participate next year when she's in Kindergarten. But this morning, she also wanted to sport the same "do" as Emily. Except...she called it a BURGER. "Mom, I want my hair in a burger like Emily." She slays me, that kid. She also still calls her forehead a headfore.

And, of course, Paige HAD to be the very first person to receive a HOOT ticket.

The burger:

Here's to the first of many future mornings getting all dressed up in your teacher gear sweetie!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

{All-Day bound...}


A couple weeks ago it was declared that All Day Kindergarten would replace the traditional Half Day Kindergarten in our school district. Much applause and cries were heard all around. I was one of those that was applauding. My background in education, elementary education to be more precise, tells me that an all day curriculum would be the best for my girl. She will not have to rush through her Kindergarten year. She will have plenty of time to prepare for first grade and beyond. She will have plenty of time to develop social relationships with her classmates that will hopefully carry her all throughout her scholastic career. I know all these things to be true. And if Kindergarten were to start tomorrow, she would be ready. She is BEYOND excited. This girl has been watching Emily get on that school bus since she was seeing from the seat of her stroller. She has been wanting to get on that bus since she could walk. And the thoughts that SHE will get to ride that bus next year...well the anticipation of that - it's almost too much for this four and a half year old to bear.


A couple of days ago, I realized that she is really growing up. I know, kids, they tend to do that. But this past week, she is dropping so many of her babyish habits, and replacing them with those of a much more mature kid. And all that confidence I felt about her going to Kindergarten began to fade a bit.


She has been by my side for four and a half years. Up until this year, all day, everyday. And of course, there were many times I wished she would just leave me in peace for a moment - a lot of that came while I was in the bathroom...but, it's kind of sad to think that I won't have her little face around all day.


Being a parent is a crazy thing. Every moment of your child's life you have this push/pull thing going on. Of course I want my girls to grow up and be independent little beings. But, can't they just sit on my lap and watch Micky Mouse Clubhouse with me a bit longer?


Can't they say dis or dat instead of this or that, just a while longer?


I know. They can't. It's so strange to think about my kids being teenagers, or adults. But it is the goal right?


So, I get it, you Moms who had those sad faces in the hallway of pre-school last week. I get it. It's hard to watch them pull away. It's hard to let them grow up. I guess we almost have no choice in the matter. And if you know my Paige - I lost that battle four and a half years ago.