Every fall we look forward to raking up our leaves, and then subsequently jumping in them. This year, the girls got a couple chances to jump in the leaves. Our maple tree is quite a bit bigger this year than years past - DUH! - and we had more leaves than ever. This small pile doesn't even represent half of what we had. Emily made this pile all by herself after school one day last week, and she decided that it was big enough and she couldn't wait one more second...she had to jump.
Pure Autumn Joy.
i LOVE this picture. Lovelovelovelovelove......
This is from the next day. Storms were rolling in, and I thought we had better get outside soon before the leaves became a soggy mess. Today's theme was leaf rain. Our next door neighbor joined us for the fun. And about five minutes after I took this picture it poured. Water this time, not leaves....
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