She: is still loving school. In fact, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, she is not a happy camper when I inform her that she doesn't have school that day. She still cries when she gets frustrated, but I have noticed that it's happening a little bit less than it used to. She hasn't quite figured out what to do with herself when Emily is at school - a sure sign that their relationship strengthened over the summer. She is doing much better at riding a regular bicycle and may be ready for no training wheels come next spring. She can write her name legibly now, and is working on writing other letters as well. I have been working with her on letter sounds a lot more lately, and she is picking up more and more everyday. She is still very affectionate. I hope that doesn't change anytime soon.
She: is so very excited to finally be in third grade. She loves her teacher. She loved learning to write in cursive, until it got hard. Typical Emily. She is always ready to play with a friend. She still loves softball, even though the fall schedule is a little bit grueling. She is still such a silly kid. She is working on being less grumpy when things don't go her way. She does chores now. She doesn't really enjoy doing them. Typical Emily. She is, hopefully, going to go through a growth spurt soon to catch up to her arms and legs that grew with wild abandon this summer. She is already looking forward to her birthday - typical Emily. I, however, am not. Nine? Really?
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