I was going to do this past weekend in chronological order, but since it's my blog, and there are no rules, I am going to start with Saturday at the Farm instead of Friday at the park. Okay?
So, on Saturday, we went to the farm. Oh, and did I mention that Ingrid was visiting from Florida? I didn't? Well, she was.
We had some of the BEST weather we have had all summer. Seriously. It's like the Michigan Welcome Gods decided that they wanted Ingrid to experience the best of Michigan with eighty degrees and no humidity. Beautiful day.
So we were greeted - as always - by these monkeys. Affectionately known as Hayley and Clara. Who, incidentally, should NOT be climbing in that tree. I will save this picture for BLACKMAIL.
Then, we played on the swings.
There are those monkeys again. This time, they were out standing in their field. Get it? I know, don't quit my day job.....and in case you were wondering, those are soy beans.
Then we brought out the old tractor. It's not really working, but it's great for photos. And hey, what says FARM more than a tractor, right?
I am not going to lie. I cheated on this picture. Paige's face was not very good on the original, so I added her face from the previous picture. Photoshop is SO COOL!
All the cool people were there - including my Grandpa John in his ULTRA-cool hat. Which he ordered from a catalog.
The sand pile is always a big draw.
Tractor again.
LOOK! There's Aunt Ingi!
So, it was quite the sports party. First there was kickball. Then there was soccer - more on that in a minute. And then there was the traditional bat ball. Play of the Game: Adam hit a towering fly ball - which Sue so valiantly caught.....in the pond. Was it showboating? I don't know. Was it an amazing catch? Definitely YES. Was it smelly? Well, that depends on how close you were standing to her....but, sadly, YES. And can I just say...props to the daughters for retrieving their Mom from the mucky mess.
And, in case you were wondering, the hat was spared. Sue flung it off just before she went in. SUCH GRACE.
And this guy....let's just say, showboating, competitiveness.....it tends to rear it's ugly head every year. But this year, it not only resulted in a fall into to the stinky pond muck, it also resulted in an injury to Matt's ankle. He was trying to get around me during the soccer game, and he did, but in an attempt to show off, he kicked the ball into the goal and fell back on his ankle. Oops.
See kids? Showboating is just plain wrong. Now go off and play.
Hayley tried to help us out by wearing her lucky hat. Lucky for us, she got a hot head and had to take it off.
Eric's at bat -
Sue, being the consummate bat ball player that she is, waited until AFTER the game to shower. Was this a ploy to win the game? You decide....I didn't tag her out a couple times because the stench was a bit much for me.
Clara's at bat -
After the game - we had more food - because that's what you do at the farm. Paige is sporting the dirty farm foot.
Another "ride" on the tractor.....
And the sun set on yet another adventure at the farm.
Actually, the party didn't end there. There were s'mores, fireworks and flashlight tag....but my camera was safely tucked away in the car for all that.
1 comment:
Thank you, Allison, for documenting a fantastic Saturday! What fun!
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