at almost three she: can now say "Emily", not "El-low-lee" or "Ellie"...and sounds quite cute doing so. is potty trained (see yesterdays post). stills loves to drink apple juice, but has ventured out into lemonade, water with lots of ice, arnold palmers, and cranberry juice. is willing to try just about any food. can ride her tricycle with wild abandon. has no plans to give up her pacifier any time soon. now sleeps with three blankies and one stuffed animal - which changes day to day. is constantly scratching at any and all scabs - which equals me doing a lot of sheet washing. loves her big sister and wants anything and everything she has. knows almost all the alphabet. knows all her shapes and colors - although gets blue and green mixed up a lot. can count up to 12...sometimes even to 20. loves to dance. can do a 24 piece puzzle all by herself. loves to play with little figurines, my scrapbook flower collection and bag clips. yes, I said bag clips. will choose a dress over just about anything else. says her favorite color is pink. loves books. loves the library. loves to help me out around the house. does not like sharing with her sister, loud noises, spiders, water in her face, cantaloupe, and looking at the camera.
and her favorite Tiger is Brennan Boesch. (i don't even know how she knows who he is.....)
and we: love her.
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