Because we had such a "warm" winter, the berries were a few weeks early this year. I was afraid when I heard this that they would be mostly gone. They weren't. But if we had waited a few more days, the pickings would have been MUCH slimmer.
And yes, Paige is wearing yet ANOTHER strawberry shirt. Just like last year. They had these cute outfits at Costco this year, in her size, so you can bet I picked that up as soon as I saw it....about three months ago. I knew we would make it out to the patch again.
Is there anything better than a just picked, ripe and juicy strawberry?
Since it was so sunny and warm this year - last year was much cooler - we could only endure picking about half the amount of berries that we did last year. No real intervention needed for my Mom this year....
On the way out, we passed by the raspberry bushes. I had to get out and get me some of those. I was a little nervous picking raspberries because everyone always talks about getting stung by bees. I didn't see one. And can I just say, this time, it was I who needed the intervention. I love raspberries.
Summer sure is DELICIOUS!