But, the older child, was not. She was WIDE awake. Eagerly anticipating her stage premiere later in the day. Her class was putting on a trio of plays - Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Rainbow Fish, and Little Red Hen. Emily was in the Rainbow Fish - and she was none other than The Rainbow Fish herself. (actually, in the book, The Rainbow Fish is a boy, but that's just weird...)
Emily was dressed and ready by 6:45. We don't even go downstairs for breakfast until 7:30.....

She did a WONDERFUL job - as did all her classmates.

I was a proud Mama.

And I had Eric snap this picture of Emily and her teacher - Mrs. Kalso. Her teacher is VERY pregnant, and I am thinking this may be one of the last photo opportunities I will have before she has the baby and is on maternity leave. As it stands - she left right after the play this afternoon for the hospital...she was having some pains....

After dinner, I was fully committed to getting the girls in the tub, pj'ed, and in bed before 8. Then, I let Max out and it was BEAUTIFUL. So, we went out to play for a bit before bed.

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