I have seen this concept on other blogs, and thought it was a cool idea. So, I am giving it a whirl. And yes, I know it's not Tuesday, but I ran out of time yesterday....forgive?
1. I am almost done scrapbooking May 2009 - and since I have at least half of June 2009* already finished, I could be less than one year behind myself...and that pleases me to no end, as well as sounds very weird.
*I began this campaign last year to scrap recent stuff that was fresh in my mind...or probably more like, "Who wants to scrap snow and winter stuff in the middle of the summer??" So, I did some June 2009 stuff in July or August. I liked it, and I am probably going to continue that trend again. Which, totally goes against my strict code of not scrapping out of order....but, lately, I like to live dangerously!!2. I love spring and summer, but it is so hard to get out of the habit of not having to worry about your feet and more specifically, toenails. I really need to remember that toes need to be repainted every few weeks during sandal season.
3. Emily has a very hard time eating breakfast in the morning, but when you tell her that she gets a doughnut if she finishes her cereal - it's amazing how fast she can eat.
4. Eric tried to help me out with laundry this past weekend, and instead of taking the CLEAN clothes upstairs to fold, he took the DIRTY ones with him. And I didn't realize it until the next morning.
5. Paige likes chili. Who knew?
6. I am really wanting to make a batch of homemade Oreos, but I only think of it right after I clean the whole kitchen. And, of course, I am thinking about it now, but I am busy doing this.
7. It seems as though all my new plants from last year have survived the winter - save for ONE out of five of these moss rose thingies - yes, that the scientific name. That's not too bad.
8. Emily starts gymnastics next Saturday....and she has asked me, "How much longer..." about 1,347,200,001 times. Do you think she's excited?
9. I think Paige is going through a very big growth/learning spurt. I just hope her clothes and my sanity hold out for a few more weeks.....
10. Emily's new book/toy/stuff shelf from IKEA.

It's a lot bigger than I thought, but I think that's just because we're used to something much smaller in that space. But she loves it, and that's all that matters.
Thus concludes the new feature of this blog.....