We are BACK. And we have the pictures to prove it.
The following pictures are from my little p+s camera. I will be uploading the pictures from the Nikon later - check back for DC part two.
(picture descriptions are BELOW each picture - just so you don't get confused...)
We are on our way!! And already getting a little punchy. The girls were making hats with different things - pillows, babies, blankets, etc... They both did really well on the drive up. Paige slept for all of 40 minutes. Emily slept for about 10 minutes. We were armed with lots of snacks, movies and bathroom breaks.

Emily and Hailey REUNITED!!! This is at a park near the house we stayed at in Maryland.

Playing in DC.

Trouble button pusher - she was in her glory at the Natural History Museum. Lots to look at and LOTS of buttons to push.

Washington Monument.

Dipping our toes in the fountain at the WWII monument.

I think this was the highlight of Paige's trip! She was a little weary at first, but then we had to pry her away. She would have dove right in if she was allowed.

Taking a statue break at the FDIC building. Emily was pretending she was the Washington Monument.

A very funny street name that we saw on the ride each morning to the Metro station in Glenmont.

Getting a science lesson at the Museum of American History. They made water bottles that had a thingy (highly technical term) that would sink and rise when you would squeeze the bottle. Of course, if you tipped the bottle over, the straw would fill up with water, and no longer work - and this happened several times - and the Daddies had to fix it SEVERAL times.

Eric giving Emily a lesson on the Capitol Building.

Dinner at the America restaurant in Union Station.

At the Hands on Museum in Lancaster, PA. I found this in the AAA guide. The girls had a BLAST playing with all sorts of things: corn, cars, grocery shopping, face painting, gardening, recycling, dress-up, egg sorting, etc... I would have more pictures of this, but my p+s died, so the majority of the pictures are in the other camera. See PART TWO later.

Paige doing a giant Lite Brite.

We had quite the adventure on Thursday - part of the Metro was under investigation due to an accident a few weeks ago, so we had to get off in Silver Springs, take a bus transfer to Fort Totten. Doesn't sound too bad, but it was HOT and HUMID. And we were really trying to get to the Ford's Theater to see the tour. We had gotten an early start. We could not find a parking spot at out usual garage - went to another - didn't have enough money on our parking card, had to go to another place to get money - and we were all pretty crabby by the time we had even got to the Metro - so this whole bus transfer thing was the icing on the cake. AND we missed out on Ford's theater because they close for lunch from 12 - 2:30. Oh well.

Finally getting to DC after 3 hours of craziness. This is the escalator at Metro Center.

Doing some coloring at the Air and Space Museum.

Obviously, the Air and Space Museum.

Okay - so if you know me, you know I am a HUGE Democrat. And seeing this sign was a pretty cool thing. I actually got a little teary.

So after a day of being hot, and crowded and a multitude of other things that all went wrong, we got to see this, and it was all worth it. Michelle Obama walking the first dog - Bo. We were going to walk the pathway behind the White House, but it was temporarily closed RIGHT before we got to it. We were all totally bummed, so we went back to the spot behind the barricades. And then Terry saw the dog. So I zoomed in, and there she was. Okay, so it was just her behind that I got to see and take a picture of, but it was still VERY COOL.

And here's Bo. You could totally see Michelle, but the fence is kind of in the way. After she went in, they re-opened the pathway.

So then we took a family picture. The Official White House vegetable garden is just to the left of Eric. And we did BARELY see the play-set. It wasn't really out in the open.

The girls posing with the president at a store right next to the White House.

Yesterday morning, right before we left. Emily and Hailey had such a good time together. I am sure they will be missing each other lots.

And THAT was our trip. We had such a good time. We will be missing our friends for sure. And, we are so grateful to Terry's sister for allowing us to stay at her house.
Now it's time to do lots of laundry, go to the store, and plan next year's adventure.....
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