So, I have been sick. I have been achy, stuffy, feverish, headachy, nauseous, don't-wanna-get-out-of-bed-much-less-take-care-of-my-kids ish....in other words, not feeling so hot. But life around here is seeming to go on, and I am feeling a wee bit better this afternoon. I am upright, typing this blog entry, so that's progress, right?
As seen in the above photo, Emily's 100th day of school was this week - Wednesday to be exact. She had a very fun day making a necklace out of Froot Loops, a 100 crown, doing a parade for the rest of the school - showcasing what each student brought in - which in Emily's case was a baggie of 100 mini marshmallows. She had a great day, and is still talking about it.

Paige has been keeping herself clean - which is good. She loves her bath time. She especially loves to make a mess of the bathroom by splashing her bath water all over the floor.

She also still loves to put on any items of clothing that are just laying around. I did tie the scarf for her, but only because she asked me to.

Eric helped me out big time yesterday by taking my place as a volunteer for Emily's Valentine party at her school yesterday. I was very sick, and not able to make it. She had a very good time making a Valentine tree, decorating a cookie and making a very cool book for all her valentine cards - which I have to say is much better than keeping them in a box.

I got Emily the cutest Valentine shirt at Target, along with heart tights. My Mom came over yesterday to help out and did Emily's hair for me as well. What a group effort.

Hope you all have a very SWEET Valentine's Day!!
1 comment:
that 100 picture of emily is so cute...she reminds me of elton john with those glasses, looks like it was fun...feel better!
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