Thursday, February 26, 2009

it's 50 degrees today

Let's break out the sun dresses....but don't forget the snow boots.  It IS Michigan, remember?
Emily was not into getting her picture taken.

I went to the brand spankin' new Carters store today - much closer than the one I used to go to. Bought the girls some additions to their spring wardrobes. Paige saw the bag when she woke up from her nap, and immediately wanted to try everything on. Such a fashionista that one.

BTW - the dress that Paige has on, is NOT from Carters.  Another ETSY find.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

lucky girl

Anyone who knows my daughter, Emily, knows that she loves dogs.  If it has anything to do with dogs - she is all about it.  Of course, we have all the "Buddies" movies, we have seen "Hotel for Dogs", she likes to watch the Westminster Dog show, or any other show like that, we have tons and tons of dog books - and a few weeks ago, we went to McDonald's to get a Happy Meal because it guessed it, DOGS.  Specifically, little stuffed dogs from the movie - Hotel for Dogs.  We even bought two Happy Meals - one for Paige - so that we could get two dogs.  But, alas, they were the same dog - the doberman, Henry.  Emily seemed OK with that.

The following week, and we don't really make a habit of this, we went back to McDonald's to see if they had any more dogs Happy Meals.  They didn't - it was Hello Kitty watches.  Emily was crushed, to say the least.  She cried - really - all the way home.  No amount of consoling would make it better...that is until Daddy offered to help.

One of the members of Daddy's train club is a manager of McDonald's - the very one we go to. Daddy told Emily he would ask Mr. Buckley if there were any dogs left over.  Emily seemed happy about that, and her sweet little smiled returned as she enjoyed her nuggets and fries.

Fast forward to last night.  My wonderful husband returned home from his weekly train club meeting, with a McDonald's bag full of all eight dogs featured in the Hotel for Dogs Happy Meal.  Eric and I placed them on her place mat, and went to bed smiling - thinking about how happy Emily would be when she discovered them this morning.  And she was.  So very happy.

We even had a photo shoot with ALL her dogs.  I am planning on making her a little scrapbook with the pictures, so she will always remember.

Their names (in alphabetical order): Ashton, Bella, Bertie, Blackie, Bongo, Brownie, Chloe, Coco, Coconut, Cooper, Copper, Douglas, Dukie, Friday, Fudge, Furry, Georgia, Grace, Henry 1, Henry 2, Joey, Juliet, Kitty Cream (the only cat in the bunch), Lenny, Libby, Licky, Max, Paws, Pink, Polka Dot, Pretty, Romeo, Rosebud, Sally, Shep, Spotty, Strawberry, Sweetie, Wolfie and Wow.  

That's 40 dogs.  Each one has a story to go with it...but that would be a VERY long post.

I believe the one that started it all was Dukie (another McDonalds Happy Meal toy)...although, there have been so many, I can't really remember.  Dukie is on the left side, second row from the bottom, second dog - white and tan with a big black nose.  Do you see him?
Her current favorite - the one she sleeps with every night - is Paws.  At one point or another, they have all been her favorite.  It's usually the newest one.
And I thought I would sneak one of Paige in here....

Friday, February 20, 2009

love these girls...

In a few minutes I am going to bed.  When I wake up, the world around here will probably be white again - we will be under a winter storm warning that will probably bring us around a half a foot of snow.  Well, we enjoyed the "green"ish grass while it lasted.....

Things have been pretty quiet around here otherwise.  We are all still getting over the Gottlieb Family Cold 2009  - Emily and Paige are on their second rounds, but this round doesn't seem quite as bad as the first.

The above picture is of Paige wearing Emily's slippers.  Paige loves shoes....anyone's shoes.  She took these from Emily's room, and would not give them up for anything.

This morning I had fun watching them play with Emily's large collection of stuffed dogs.  Emily was playing the part of the dog teacher, and Paige was the official dog walker.  She would pick up a dog from Emily  - in the doggie classroom - and take them on a little walk.  She would return them, and get another one.  This went on until all the doggies had been walked.  It was pretty cute.  Good to see them getting along, working together - this is rare lately.
Giving her baby a drink.....
Taking some for herself....
Watching Charlie and Lola in my office - together.  This, however, did not last long.  Paige does not like to share the chair.......oh well.
Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 16, 2009

some old, some new

It's the middle of February.  Spring will be here before we know it. Oh, let's hope so. I am getting a serious case of cabin fever. 

Case in point: my photos. Not exciting. Not even a little bit. I don't require the outside world to take an exciting photo, but goodness, it sure does help. I am tired of flash. I am tired of my house as a backdrop. My kids are tired of me placing them in front of a window to take their picture. That's why - in case you are wondering - all my pictures seem to take place in my kitchen.  It's some of the best light in the house - and most of the time, I don't need to use a flash - which I avoid at all costs. The other place is Paige's room. Big window. And on sunny days, it's the warmest room in the house.

Now that I have gotten that off my chest - this week Emily is off of school ALL WEEK. I am failing miserably at trying to think of things to do to keep her busy. We may actually venture out to the library tomorrow. My friend Ginger would be so proud to come home from her vacation and find out that I have FINALLY gotten a library card. It's a crime that I don't have one. I know.

Anyway - pictures from the last few days...ho hum.......
See - even Paige looks bored......
Emily ate her Fun Dip after lunch today - this is what she looked like:
And for fun -this was one year ago:

And for even more fun - three years ago.  Goodness, she was a little thing.....
Have an EXCITING week!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

catching up

So, I have been sick. I have been achy, stuffy, feverish, headachy, nauseous, don't-wanna-get-out-of-bed-much-less-take-care-of-my-kids other words, not feeling so hot.  But life around here is seeming to go on, and I am feeling a wee bit better this afternoon.  I am upright, typing this blog entry, so that's progress, right?

As seen in the above photo, Emily's 100th day of school was this week - Wednesday to be exact. She had a very fun day making a necklace out of Froot Loops, a 100 crown, doing a parade for the rest of the school - showcasing what each student brought in - which in Emily's case was a baggie of 100 mini marshmallows.  She had a great day, and is still talking about it.

Paige has been keeping herself clean - which is good.  She loves her bath time.  She especially loves to make a mess of the bathroom by splashing her bath water all over the floor.

She also still loves to put on any items of clothing that are just laying around.  I did tie the scarf for her, but only because she asked me to.

Eric helped me out big time yesterday by taking my place as a volunteer for Emily's Valentine party at her school yesterday.  I was very sick, and not able to make it.  She had a very good time making a Valentine tree, decorating a cookie and making a very cool book for all her valentine cards - which I have to say is much better than keeping them in a box.
I got Emily the cutest Valentine shirt at Target, along with heart tights. My Mom came over yesterday to help out and did Emily's hair for me as well. What a group effort.
Hope you all have a very SWEET Valentine's Day!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


On Saturday the temperatures reached about 50 degrees - which was a celebration for us. Emily was only too happy to go out and frolic in the melting snow. Unfortunately, her rain boots do not offer a lot of protection when you are stomping around in a few feet of snow. She came inside with very wet jeans, socks and very COLD feet. She was not happy when I told her she needed to stay inside and warm up.
On Sunday, the warm temperatures stuck around, as did the sun, so Emily managed to get in a little bike riding and roller skating.
After all that activity, she needed a snack - which she shared with her sister.  Fruit by the foot, in case you are wondering. It's like a fruit roll up, just skinnier and longer.
This is from yesterday.  She made art with her lunch.  She did have a cream cheese sandwich, but she already ate that. I think she has found a new medium.
Have a good week!

Friday, February 6, 2009

just another day

Okay, I know the last few posts have been a little Paige centered - but she's just around me so much more.  Emily is always off somewhere, not present when I take out the camera. Not that Paige is all about having her picture taken. But she's getting better.
This is Emily's bus stop - solid ice.  Hopefully it will be all gone after this weekend.
She thinks she's all that.  And you know...she kind of is.....
Check her out with the cool designer bag.  Shes got taste that one.  Uh-oh.
Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ponytail girls

I decided that it would be fun to try and put ponytails in Paige's hair this morning. I know you can only see one in this picture, but I assure you, there are two.  Emily thought it looked like so much fun, she wanted them as well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

henry ford museum

As most of you know, it has been a really hard winter up here in the fine state of Michigan.  And thanks to the wonderful insight of the groundhog - we are in for at least six more weeks.  We have a serious case of cabin fever going on around here.  Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot of things to do here in the winter time - especially things that are good for a family with a six year old and a one year old.

On Sunday we decided that it would be a change of pace to go the Henry Ford Museum.  I knew that it would not be all that interesting for Paige - but she enjoyed getting out of the house and the change of scenery.  I thought Emily would be more into it with all the trains and really cool looking stuff, but she wasn't interested.  Her favorite part - the gift shop.  Oh well.  Eric and I liked it.  I haven't been there since I was eight years old, so it was all pretty new to me.
I had no idea that they had quite a few of the presidential limos there - and especially this one that belonged to President Kennedy - the very last one he rode in.  Very moving.
Of course, Eric liked all the race cars.
And the big steam trains.
Eric and Emily even got to help build an old Ford.  They put on right bumper.  Emily got to use tools - and the lady that was working with them was quite impressed with her skills.  That's our girl.  She's apparently got a future in classic car repair.
The Rosa Parks bus.  We even got to go in and sit in her seat.  Pretty moving - especially given our current events.  My favorite exhibit.
And this child - from Monday - who loves to wear hats.  She is so funny.  Her new word this week is "Yeah".  She says it instead of "yes".  Ohmygodijustwanttosqueezeher!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

awwww - ain't she cute?

She NEVER sits still. Unless she's sleeping.  And even then, she tosses and turns like crazy. But today, she posed for me. I asked her to sit, she did, and I took this picture. Miracles will never cease.