I have a confession to make....I have not taken Emily to see Santa because of some very silly childhood traumatization that I had. Poor child. So, this weekend I sucked it up and took her to "Story Time with Santa". It was very cute. Santa read to the kids - who got to come in their PJ's -they sang songs, got to do a couple crafts and of course, got to sit on his lap and tell them their Christmas wishes. Emily was all set to tell him she wanted her front tooth. I told her that her front tooth was pretty much a given, and she had to ask for something a little more FUN. She was completely at a loss - so I reminded her that she wanted roller skates. She was good with that. Only my child would not come prepared with a HUGE list.

In case you are wondering, Paige stayed home with Daddy. I wanted Emily to have fun, and not have to share the whole thing with her sister who would either be a total crab apple, or totally wild. Or, let's be honest, I am taking baby steps with this whole traumatization thing....one kid at a time.......maybe next year Paige.......

She got these super cool antlers and a snowman cup as a parting gift. She wore them all day today. There's only a couple of those jingle bells left.

Emily and her buddy Jenna got chosen to be one of Santa's reindeer during a song. Emily's antlers kept falling off during the whole song. She was a trooper.

My big girl Paige. This is her new thing. She LOVES to sit at the big table and have her snack. She thinks she's Miss Big Time. She is growing every day. Her size 18 months PJ's are all small on her. Her vocabulary has increased too: yes, baby, heart, up, down, help, cracker, dog, thank-you (my personal favorite), pretty, socks, shoe and a bunch of others that I am not able to remember at this moment. Hopefully this whole word explosion thing will alleviate some of her communication frustrations she has been having. Let's hope!!
The house looks so pretty! So warm and inviting! Glad you got past the santa thing. Looks like Emily had lots of fun. God job Allison! :)
Love Miss Em's flashy hot pink pants on Santa's lap :) She looked like she had a blast. Love the big girl Paige at the table. 18 month's pants and sht out grew them.....Noooooo Hayden is still in 18 month pants and shorts. I have pushed him into 24 month but they are pretty big. So funny Miss you XOXOX
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