So, I usually don't talk too much about scrapbooking here. However, I feel that I MUST tell you about this new kit that I am SO getting. It's called Project 365, and it goes on sale Jan. 1st, over at kitofthemonth.com - a Creating Keepsakes sponsored site. The basic idea is that you take a picture each day for 365 days - a year. The kit is an album with plastic pages that have slots for each picture along with a slot for journaling each day. Each two page layout is a week. If you are interested, you should check it out. You don't have to be a scrapbooker to do this. There is no cutting, pasting or anything. Just print your pictures, write a little something, and you are done. I think it would be so cool to look back at this slice of your everyday life years from now. Below is my day one picture - I started on Dec. 28th so that I could start it on a Sunday.

Paige in her "hat". It's this cardboard ring that was in Emily's Strawberry Shortcake puzzle box. I put it on Paige as a joke, and she got very upset when I tried to take it off. She wore it the whole time she ate her lunch. She thought she was very cute.

Emily this morning doing her USA puzzle. She loves puzzles. Especially this one. She is OBSESSED with maps. She can pretty much name any state by it's shape.

Paige's new trick - climbing in and out of her highchair. Helpful, but a little scary. She almost fell backwards tonight after dinner.

I may use this as my day two picture - Max looking outside at the wind blowing. It was blowing so hard it was making the front door dance around. Thankfully, it was locked, but it was still making LOTS of noise.

Paige and her most favorite Christmas present - a doll named Daisy. A gift from the Marcikics. She carries that thing around all day long.

One of the best gifts ever - the Panini maker. It's like having a Panera in my kitchen. I have used it everyday since Christmas. Even Emily, who has not been wanting anything to do with eating a grilled cheese sandwich, had a grilled cheese panini today. She said it was the best EVER.
This is my other option for day two - Eric and Emily on their way to train club tonight. It's an operating night, and it's winter break, so Emily got to go. She was SO excited.