Emily and Paige posing for some photos this morning before Emily goes off to school. I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but Paige is OBSESSED with Emily's bead necklaces. She even knows how to put them on herself. She is wearing the purple one like a sash in the above picture. Also, it was orange day at school - but we didn't have an orange shirt, or anything else really. Luckily, her Mom is a scrapbooker, and has a LARGE supply of ribbons on hand. You know, I collect them for situations such as this.
Paige is almost smiling in this one. I so need someone to take a really good picture of the girls. I have three frames that have pictures of Emily from when she was two years old at Deerfield Beach. I need to change out those pictures to one of each girl, and one of them together. Maybe a project for this weekend....you reading this Eric???
Emily had her very first dance class tonight. She liked it, and had a lot of fun. I watched from the window for a little while, and she is not the most coordinated child...but that is why she is taking a dance class. I am proud that she is not the least bit shy - unlike her Mama. She introduced herself to all the other little girls right away, and even took one little girl's hand as their teacher lead them into the studio. I was so amazed. This is the same girl that would not leave my side at our Thursday playgroup. She seeks out children in the neighborhood, gets on the bus all by herself, and has no problem with any new situation that life seems to throw at her. She is amazing, and I could not be any prouder. My girl, Emily - you are growing up....and I cannot believe it. Keep up the good work sweetie. In the words of some country singer whose name escapes me - "I hope you dance".

Yes Dear, I am reading it. And that's Lee Ann Womack you're thinking of, not to mention the Elton John reference in the title.
You looked that one up - there's no way you ever even heard of that song......
What do you mean? Haven't you ever seen my Lee Ann Womack concert shirt? I mean you are connected to the internet when you blog. It's a good place to look stuff up.
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