Emily went bowling last week for the first time - if you don't count playing on the Wii. She played with Jenna and Noah. It was dollar bowling week at the local bowling alley. Everything was one dollar - games, shoe rentals, fries, pop - you name it. We paid for two games - but one and a half games would have be sufficient. Emily actually won the first game. She had a lot of fun. It was pretty funny watching them - especially when they were dancing around to the 80's music that was playing.

Yesterday, we went up to Crossroads Village in Flint. It's a cute little park where they have re-located historical houses, churches and stores. They also have a train called the Huckleberry railroad that you can ride on - which was basically the main reason for going. Unfortunately, because the "Day out with Thomas" was there, we didn't get to go on the train. The website for the park was unclear, and we thought they they would be running both trains. The tickets to ride on Thomas have been sold out since they went on sale in May. We made the best of it - going around the village and seeing the sights. We rode a paddle-wheel boat around Mott Lake. And, Emily got to meet Sir Toppam Hat. She liked that. It was a good family afternoon.

In other news - Emily got her letter from her new kindergarten teacher on Saturday. As it turns out, Emily will be going to PM, or afternoon if you prefer, Kindergarten. Around here, there is no full day Kindergarten. It's crazy. At first, I was not happy about her going in the afternoon, but when I thought about the fact that Paige takes an afternoon nap - and I would be basically kid free in the afternoon for a few hours, I was happy. Of course this means that Emily will be eating lunch at 11am, but that's really not that big of a deal.
We have a "Meet and Greet" at her school on Wednesday afternoon, so we may find out more then. Stay tuned.

Paige loves to watch Max eat. She loves to feed him too.....and if Max doesn't eat all his food, guess what? Little Miss Paige has no problem helping herself!!

Is it me, or is the guy in the top hat a little scary looking?
Sir Topham Hatt must have done something right for the Queen to give him knighthood, but I heard a rumor that he occasionally eats babies.
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