So, it's summer. I look outside, see the beautiful weather, and try to think of ways to enjoy it. We like to go on walks, bike rides, go swimming when the opportunity presents itself, play on the playset, play with friends, etc.....
Since we have done all those things, what else is there? How about an obstacle course in the backyard? Good idea. I told Eric this morning about my idea, and he got all excited and started planning.....big surprise to those of you who know my husband, right?
Well, as soon as all of our packages were picked up this afternoon, Eric was off to design and set up the course. It took him about 90 minutes to get the job done. He used all the plastic chairs we had, Emily's bike, car, Little Tikes car, the lawnmower, snow thrower, saw horses, a picnic table, pop-up tent, boxes and patio furniture. I am sure that I am forgetting something else, but you get the idea. It was a serious course.
Our good friends from across the street came to test it out - and after a few test runs, we were in business. Kids from all over the neighborhood came by to give it a try. Some were very serious competitors. Eric was out there until I called him in for dinner. Oh, and even the adults gave it a try. Eric had the best time, 36 seconds.
Just so you know, the object of the course was this: At the start/finish line there was a stroller that contained twin dolls, a bin with a bunch of "groceries", a Little Tikes grocery cart and a Nino's grocery bag. You had to fill your shopping cart with all the groceries from the bin, put the babies in the cart, run the course, empty your cart contents into the grocery bag, and secure the babies in the stroller. Not too complicated - and hilarious to watch.
It was so fun to watch and root for everyone. The kids had such a great time - despite the majorly muggy weather. Eric took it apart after dinner. It was kind of sad, but we had to water the lawn.
Till we obstacle again............
(click on picture to enlarge)In case you are wondering what "Babies in the cart" means - it was what Eric said to EVERYONE as they were filling up their cart. I guess he thought they would forget to put the dolls in the cart as they took off for the course. I must have heard it about 1,000 times as the afternoon went on. That and some other pretty serious play-by-play commentary.....I think he may have missed his calling. :) Love you hunny!!
That is great! What a riot! Eric is too cute. Looks like everyone had a blast. Now that is the kind of things kids remember and then write about when they go back to school. I guarantee he will be the topic of someone's essay at school :). You guys are fun!
How fun- I wish I lived closer!!
My boys would have had a blast. Miss you XOXOXOX
I know your boys would have been able to beat Eric's time! Maybe we'll have to set it up again if you guys ever make it up here!
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