I am telling you - this cute, sweet, adorable, little child of mine is so hard to photograph. I was able to take a few this morning. Even got one of her standing all by herself. Of course, I was fiddling around with the camera at the time, and it was on the wrong setting, so the picture is a little blurry. Oh well, you get the idea. That first picture is of her doing her motorboat. A Paige favorite.

These were Emily's pajamas. Loved them five years ago - love them today.

Happy Tuesday!
She looks so tall!!! WOW, what size clothes is she wearing? I tell you I think she is as tall as Hayden.
She's in the 95th percentile for height - and I think at her last appointment she was somewhere between 28 and 29 inches. I left the piece of paper with her stats on the counter at her last checkup. I would measure her now, but she won't sit still!! She's in size 12 months clothes.
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