These are my girls, both at nine months. Definite differences - but oh so similar. If I didn't use the pictures of Paige in this outfit on previous posts - would you be able to guess who is who? Also, Paige really does have lighter eyes, but the light makes them look really dark.
I really could have spent a little more time making the scanned picture look a little better, but as it is, I am waiting for Miss Paige to wake up from her nap.
Have a lovely evening! And, just so you know - it's STILL cold.
1 comment:
I can not believe that is Emily- God that seems like so long ago. I really thought Paige looked nothing like Emily. She I thought was so much more like you. Uncanny. That is amazing. I miss you. Hope Paige calms down girl. Hayden broke his foot and is in a cast fromt he knee down. Look what you ahve to look forward to..heee heee ( i Hope not)
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