There's this one house in particular that I love. It's not a very large house, it's probably smaller than the house we currently live in, but I just love how they have landscaped....and especially, I LOVE their front entry. They have the same color brick that we have, and the same color beige trim...but they have a beautiful, shiny BLACK front door, with a brass kick plate, door handle and knocker. I just can't help myself but stare at it every time we drive, or walk by.
It is because of this that I requested from my wonderful husband, that we also paint our front door black. We have held off on this project because our front door is just fine and we just had a baby, so we are a little short on time. Well, I guess I did something good, because a couple of days ago Eric got the black paint, new door handles, brass kick plate, and a new knocker and began the project of beautifying our entryway.
The before picture is from Father's Day - you can't seethe whole door, but you get the's not ugly, just BORING. And notice the door knob, boring as well.

And now the after....I LOVE it!!
And now for something completely different. Emily is now almost five, and no longer takes naps. Sometimes, after staying up a little late, or a long week of school, she can fall asleep at any given point during the day. Mostly this happens in the car, but when the house gets quiet, I always know, Emily must have fallen asleep's usually in her room. This time, she had put all her doggies down for a nap, and must have decided they had the right idea, so she joined in. It was so darn cute. We just LOVE that girl.